Cuvinte cautate: Media monitoring


2activePR - Adresa web
2activePR is a strategic communications firm specializing in media relations, event management, corporate & consumer communications, internal communications, perception & image audits, press monitoring and publishing.

BDR Associates, Our identity - Adresa web
BDR Associates-Communication Group is one of the most successful PR agencies in Romania. Its team of consultants with large international expertise offers a complete range of PR services for major multinational and local clients.

B Media - Adresa web
b media oferã solu?ii complete de monitorizare media adaptate cerin?elor fiecãrui client. suntem con?tien?i de dinamica pie?ei în care ne desfã?urãm activitatea ?i avem o reac?ie rapidã ?i eficientã, identificînd solu?ii adecvate, convenabile, fezabile ?i simple.

B Media - Adresa web
b media oferã solu?ii complete de monitorizare media adaptate cerin?elor fiecãrui client. suntem con?tien?i de dinamica pie?ei în care ne desfã?urãm activitatea ?i avem o reac?ie rapidã ?i eficientã, identificînd solu?ii adecvate, convenabile, fezabile ?i simple.

Funky Business, Straight to your heart! - Adresa web
Our aim is to help our clients promote their products and services and increase their profitability through effective and powerful live communication. In order to achieve this, we provide unique solutions that go straight to the heart of our audience.

GIEF - Adresa web
Group of Independent Experts ROMANIA. GIE FOLOS consultants are offering technical assistance related to the environment: Management of the urban and industrial waste, Impact evaluation, Risk evaluation (SEVESO), Pollution monitoring (water, air, soil, waste, noise, transport), Environmental Audit (EMAS), Introduction of the environmental management systems in enterprises (ISO 14001), Market sectorial analysis, Training

MediaLOOK: Prima Pagina - Adresa web - IT&C Media Monitoring

Interactiv media - Adresa web
Interactiv MEDIA - sondaje de opinie, monitorizarea presei, advertising, web design, hosting

Agentia de Monitorizare a Presei, Academia Catavencu - Adresa web
Media Monitoring Agency, Romanian human rights advocay NGO with media expertise

mondata media, Home - Adresa web
Mondata Media - Monitorizare panouri publicitare

căutare personalizată

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copyright - jocuri, ziare, stiri, sport, matrimoniale - director web 2008