Ratza & ratza is an Intellectual Property firm in Romania, with extensive practice covering Trademarks, Patents, Industrial Designs, Copyright, Domain Names, Licensing, Litigation and Enforcement, providing representation before the Patent and Trademark Office, competent Courts of Law and Authorities for national and international clients. |
trademarks patents industrial designs copyright domain names licensing litigation enforcement law intellectual property law romania
Ratza & ratza is an Intellectual Property firm in Romania, with extensive practice covering Trademarks, Patents, Industrial Designs, Copyright, Domain Names, Licensing, Litigation and Enforcement, providing representation before the Patent and Trademark Office, competent Courts of Law and Authorities for national and international clients. |
trademarks patents industrial designs copyright domain names licensing litigation enforcement law intellectual property law romania
Roland D.G. Romanian official web site, equipments, accesories, service, online consulting, Pagina oficiala Roland D.G. pentru Romania, Cutter-Plotters, Printers Piezo/Solvent, Modelling & Scanning 3D |
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ROM-MA Imobiliare Real Estate is a group of professional companies operating in Bucharest.
We are specialists in the following transactions: retail spaces, office spaces, lands, industrial spaces, commercial spaces,
short and long term rental of luxury apartments. |
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Prezentari on-line de lectii gratuite despre utilizarea calculatorului personal. Elemente de baza strict necesare si elementare. Prezentari, pe baza de imagini, intuitive si cu explicatii reduse. |
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rent a new car ofera masini spre inchiriere atat pe termen lung cat si pe termen scurt. Masinile oferite spre inchiriere satisfac toate cerintele si gusturile. Fie ca este vorba despre intalniri de afaceri, concedii in familie sau scurte plimbari, oferta rent a new car va poate satisface necesitatile. Avem masini compacte, intermediare si autoturisme luxoase si confortabile. |
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Each of our clients is our most important client! |
Official webpage of the Save Rosia Montana Campaign, Alburnus Maior Association. Pagina oficiala a Campaniei Salvati Rosia Montana, Asociatia Alburnus Maior. |
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