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The complete list of Romanian accomodations and Travel agencies with online hotel reservation system in an unique site www.hotelonline.ro |
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Romania.org is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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ACCESOR - companie care produce si comercializeaza mansoane si terminale de 1-35Kv. De asemenea comercializeaza mansoane 3M, terminale 3M, papuci si mufe Gerhard Petri. Accesor se afla pe lista de furnizori de produse si servicii ai Electrica S.A. |
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ActiveCare. Asistenta medicala specializata la domiciliu, Asistenta medicala profilactica la domiciliu sau la sedii de firme, Asistenta medicala si monitorizare pentru persoane aflate sub tratament sau recuperare la domiciliu, Monitorizarea evolutiei starii de sanatate a familiei si a copiilor, Activitati recreative si gospodaresti in favoarea persoanelor cu mobilitate redusa, Servicii conform normelor in vigoare ale Ministerului Sanatatiii si Familiei. |
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