web, hosting, design, Romania, dion |
Hosting, hosting .net, hosting SQL, SQL server, baze de date,
asp.net, MySQL, ASP.NET 2.0, MS SQL, ftp update, ftp, php, Linux, Microsoft, tehnologies, web, site, mail,
mailing, newsletter, ...
frontline, accounting software, accounting, software, monitor phone system, panasonic, online, Firebird, Interbase, SQL, MS SQL Server, management, contabilitate, monitorizare, monitorizare centrale telefonice, centrale telefonice, ...
i-com.ro is a Microsoft Certified Partner company specialized in IT consultancy, web site design or revision for business, web site hosting, maintenance, marketing and management. |
internet, web design, web development, web hosting, hosting, web services, online services, web service package, maintenance, maintenance fee, maintenance contract, web pages, domain name registration, offer, e-mail, e-mail account, search engine, html, dhtml, css, ...
home - Companie de dezvoltare software specializata in Microsoft NET (ASP Net) si PHP cu centru de management in Rotterdam, Olanda si centru de dezvoltare soft de outsourcing in Bucuresti, Romania |
home, software, outsourcing, offshore, software, development, outsourcing, offshore, software, outsourcing, IT, microsoft, net, software, development, outsourcing, Microsoft, PHP, Mysql, MSSQL, ...
Produse software proprii (aplicatii ERP - sico, devize, gestiune, contabilitate, financiar, resurse umane, resurse materiale, arhivare si management documente, asistenta sociala, contorizare apa, etc.) si produse hardware (distribuitor calculatoare ALPIS, produse HP, DELL, IBM, EPSON, LENOVO, FUJITSU-SIEMENS, etc.) |
constructii, gestiune, contabilitate, sico, devize, download, gratuit, financiar, resurse umane, webdesign, baze de date mysql, aplicatii, sql, server, ms project, primavera, contorizare apa, arhivare documente, asistenta sociala, realizare site-uri, ...
solutie integrata de gestiune de tip ERP, dezvoltata in tehnologii de ultima ora, asigura optimizarea si
eficientizarea proceselor din intreprinderile producatoare; sistem ergonomic, modular, flexibil si scalabil |
ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, sisteme integrate, gestiune, firme de productie, dezvoltare de software,
business software, Enterprise Business Solutions, EBS Romania, 3S Manager, 3S, 3S manager (ERP), MS SQL Server, .NET, XML, implementare,
avantaje, utilizare, companii de productie, firme producatoare, ...
solutie integrata de gestiune de tip ERP, dezvoltata in tehnologii de ultima ora, asigura optimizarea si
eficientizarea proceselor din intreprinderile producatoare; sistem ergonomic, modular, flexibil si scalabil |
ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, sisteme integrate, gestiune, firme de productie, dezvoltare de software,
business software, Enterprise Business Solutions, EBS Romania, 3S Manager, 3S, 3S manager (ERP), MS SQL Server, .NET, XML, implementare,
avantaje, utilizare, companii de productie, firme producatoare, ...
Affordable software engineering and web development outsourcing or subcontracting in Eastern Europe, with U.S- and Europe-based project management. Dragos Matei Engineering and A+ students of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest assist software publishers, IT consultants, web design companies, real estate companies, and any company looking to outsource or subcontract their Web, Windows, Linux, Palm OS, or Windows CE application development. |
subcontract, subcontracting, outsource, outsourcing, software engineering, web portals, application development, web development, Windows, Unix, Linux, Windows CE, Palm OS, , C, C++, Visual C++; Visual Basic, Rational Rose, KWRITE, VBA, ...
myhosting.com is a provider of superior and affordable shared
and dedicated hosting services. We support Microsoft® FrontPage® 2002 extensions. We register domain
names with .com, .net, .org, .ca, .us, .biz, .info, .cc, .co.uk, .org.uk, .cn, .de extensions. |
isp, dial-up, dialup, unlimited dial-up, unlimited isp, web, hosting, hoster, host, web hosting,
webhosting, web host, top hosts, email hosting, email addresses, email accounts, email host, email service, email provider, file hosting, ...
iStorm - Software and Web Development Company - Many European, mainly German, firms see Eastern Europe as an increasingly favorable near shore alternative. While cultural affinities, cost, language skills, strong technical capabilities, and minimal data-regulatory issues makes offshoring to these countries so tempting, Romania and Eastern Europe as a whole will step up the heat on India as yet another BPO hot spot in 2005. Eastern Europe's forte: a strong talent pool with bias towards mathematic ... |
outsourcing, software development, software, web, web development, web design, Java, C++, php, asp, coldfusion, oracle, SQL server, MS Access, C/C++, Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++ Builder, Java, Symantec Visual Café, Microsoft Visual J++, ...
