Activitati, Distributie, Import - Export, import, export, Design, Proiectare, Filatura, Tesatorie, Imprimerii, imprimerie, imprimat,
imprimate, textile, Servicii, Croitorie, Calcat, Finisaje, finisaj, textile, ...
Confex Collection. Site-ul firmei CONFEX, principal producator de pantaloni barbati pe piata romaneasca. Domeniile principale: Productie si distributie confectii, Turism-Cabana SIRET, Constructii - Amenajari Interioare. |
confex, collection, imbracaminte, confectii barbati, pantaloni, moda, colectii, textile, stofe, sacouri barbati, geci barbati,
pensiune turistica, amenajari interioare, constructii
Import si export in sistem Lohn, Iasi, Romania. Confectii dama si barbati pentru de inalta calitate, produse pentru piata interna si cea din vest |
romania, trade, textiles, textile news, textile, clothing, women's clothing, mens clothing, import export, confectii, production, iasi, Lohn, import Lohn, afaceri, Lohn Romania, industria confectiilor, sous-traitance, moda, international, ...
dinasty, Dinasty, barbati, smoking, sacouri, costume, moda, fashion, colectie, colectii, catalog, foto, Gabriel, Muraru, Carmen, albsinegru, agnes, bucuresti, business, cocktail, ...
Site de prezentare a fabricii de confectii Gironde, Romania. Istoric, tehnologie, lucrul in lohn, prezentarea produselor si colectiilor |
Gironde, confectii, Lohn, textile, pantaloni, sport, costume, bluze dama, produse femei, fuste, sacouri, trousers, jackets, skirts, blouses, cottone, wool, fabrica, textile, industria usoara, ...
Site de prezentare a fabricii de confectii Gironde, Romania. Istoric, tehnologie, lucrul in lohn, prezentarea produselor si colectiilor |
Gironde, confectii, Lohn, textile, pantaloni, sport, costume, bluze dama, produse femei, fuste, sacouri, trousers, jackets, skirts, blouses, cottone, wool, fabrica, textile, industria usoara, ...
Imbracaminte.ro Portalul tau vestimentar. |
MRA is the first Romanian model agency founded in 1992 and based in Bucharest. It is representing Romanian female and male models worldwide. |
modeling, scouting, agency, agencies, models, photomodels, topmodel, topmodele, top, modele, fotomodele, fotomodel, manechine, manechin, moda, fashion, romania, bucharest, bucuresti, ajans, ...
MRA is the first Romanian model agency founded in 1992 and based in Bucharest. It is representing Romanian female and male models worldwide. |
modeling, scouting, agency, agencies, models, photomodels, topmodel, topmodele, top, modele, fotomodele, fotomodel, manechine, manechin, moda, fashion, romania, bucharest, bucuresti, ajans, ...
Club feminin – masculin. Portal dedicat femeilor si barbatilor, sfaturi pentru a se cuceri reciproc. Click pentru moda, frumusete, nutritie sau gadget-uri, sport si sanatate. |
portal, femei, barbati, feminin, masculin, moda, frumusete, gadget-uri, sport, nutritie, sanatate
