media9 studio's portfolio site |
Amsterdam, bureau, graphic design, graphic designer, art, graphic, corporate id, digital, media,
web, site, graphic, grafica, design, multimedia, packaging, brand, visual, identity, identitate, ...
OMSAN LOJISTIK - Your innovative logistics partner |
omsan, omsan lojistik, omsan logistics, logistics, automobile, warehouse, PDI, intermodal, milk run, CBU, CKD, ro ro, PCC, dealer, SEÇ, multimodal, forwarding, LCL, FCL, swap body, ...
PalletBiz is a premium partner for packaging and handling materials, including EUR pallets, standard pallets and special products made to order. |
pallet, pallets, epal, ISPM-15, packaging, handling, heat treatment, franchising, wood, used, repair, lithuania, ukraine, romania, eur, ...
PINTER VISUAL - comunicare vizuala: corporate identity, branding, graphic design, webdesign, advertising |
design, web design, pinter, zsolt pinter, pinter visual, print, advertising, packaging, web, identity, branding
repere din material plastic; PLASTOR S.A. este partenerul pe care il cautati |
partener, seriozitate, profesionalism, experienta, Materiale plastice, Plastics, Articole de menaj, Galeti, Ligheane, Capace toaleta, Toilet seats, Cosuri rufe, Laundry baskets, Ambalaje plastic, Plastic packaging, Bidoane, Barrels, Butoaie, Canistre, Canteens, ...
Productive International is a Romanian company which finds creative solutions for communication problems |
communication Romania, PR strategy Romania, documentaries Romania, media relations Romania, EU project management Romania, environmental consultancy, consultancy Romania, British company, proposal writing, printed materials, design, photography, text edit
Manufacturers of packing materials in PVC soft - Producem ambalaje din folie PVC flexibila, cristal sau color CONFORM DESENULUI CLIENTULUI. Ex: port carduri, port abonamente, port instructiuni, port carti de vizita, port etichete cu si fara adeziv, port documente, ambalaje pentru foarfeci, burghie, tarozi, scule in general. Orice alt produs din folie pvc personalizat 100% la un click distanta... |
folie pvc, etui abonament, etui pvc, coperti caiete, invelitori pvc, invelitori caiete, buzunare pvc, ambalaje pvc, produse folie pvc, buzunare carti vizita, pvc electrosudat, inalta frecventa, ambalaje folie pvc, pvc cristal, pvc cusut, pvc electrosudat, pvc, badge holders, id badges, id holders, ...
With its business lines, Bulk and Performance Monomers, Molding Compounds and Acrylic Sheet, the Methacrylates Business Unit is part of Degussa's Specialty Materials Reporting Segment. With its standard and specialty products, the Methacrylates Business Unit is a leading global supplier of methacrylate chemicals. The business unit is one of the few suppliers to operate along the entire value chain, from raw material to finished acrylic. Our strategy focuses on three key areas - specialization, g ... |
monomers, methacrylate, MMA, PLEXIGLAS, PLEX, PARAPAN, PLEXICOR, PLEXIMID, PLEXALLOY, CYROLITE, XT Polymer, PLEXIFIX, ACRIFIX, SOUNDSTOP, Ester, crosslinkers, Acryl, granules, sheet, rod, ...
Protectia mediului in Romania: dezvoltarea durabila, reciclarea materialelor, Sistemul de Management al Mediului, legislatie, stiri, proiecte, forum web. Promoveaza-ti ideile si initiativele prin Environmental Directory |
Romania, Mehedinti, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Remat SA Mehedinti, recyling, waste materials, garbages, environment, environmental protection, sustainable development, reciclarea materialelor, protectia mediului, dezvoltarea durabila, colectare, procesare, fier, otel, sticla, hartie, cauciuc, ...
