Cuvinte cautate: Partnership in romania


Archimedes, Home - Adresa web
Archimedes Consulting Group

Welcome to CAREMIL, Romania - Adresa web
Caremil is a company involved in development, manufacture and export of high quality Garment .Years of expertise enabled Caremil to gain solid expertise to fulfill and meet all your expectations, ensuring the trouble-free quality and on-time delivery you expect, creativity and partnership.

X3 STUDIOS, Interactive media design and development - Adresa web
X3 Studios is an new media design and development studio, specialized in high-end flash development and interactive design. We create elearning modules, sales presentations, integrate powerpoint presentations into a flash movie animation, integrate complete ecommerece solutions with your flash website, create custom multimedia cds, and much more.

CDGS, The Romanian law firm - Adresa web
CDGS is a Romanian law firm specialized in private equity, banking, real estate and public-private partnerships.

community-based development innovation incubator in Romania. - Adresa web
Welcome to DEEP/Renaissance - Romania's innovation incubator for community and partnership-based development initiatives in the Jiu Valley coal-mining region.
● Foundation for Development through Economic Education and Partnership, DEEP, Fundatia pentru Dezvoltare prin Educatie Economica si Partneriat, Dezvoltare prin Educatie Economica si Partneriat, Florin Lupu, John Gongwer, Randy Tift, Randall Tift, Cristina Vladu, Florin Lupu Executive Director, Ion Olteanu, innovation incubator, Romanian NGO, Romanian foundation, Jiu Valley, Romania, regional portal, community and partnership-based development, training, mentoring, ...

Vasile Deleanu Avocati, Bine ati venit - Adresa web
Vasile Deleanu is one of Romania's leading law firms. Our main office is in Bucharest.

::EPM::Environmental Partnership For Mining - Adresa web
Parteneriatul de Mediu pentru Minerit (EPM Environmental Partnership for Mining) este o retea extinsa de profesionisti si persoane interesate formata pentru examinarea posibilitatilor de reabilitare si/sau asigurare a integritatii mediului in zonele miniere din Romania, pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea durabila.

Global Intelligence Agency, ROMANIAN DETECTIVES - Adresa web
Offers the better way to find a romanian private eye
● private detective Romania private eye romanian investigator Bucuresti Bucharest romania detective romanian detective detectiv particular business investigation, detectiv romania, investigatii, detectiv, detectivi, ziare, ziar, presa, Romania due dilligence, background check, comercial screening, partnership background check, investigatii, detectivi particulari, supravegheri, Investigation Agency, Investigative, private eye, romanian investigation, Gabriel Dogaru corporate, ...

Larive Romania, International Business Development - Adresa web
Larive Romania - Business Development Advice

New Horizons Foundation, Lupeni, Romania: Adventure Education and Service Learning strategies for ( ... - Adresa web
New Horizons Foundation - Lupeni, Romania: Adventure Education and Service Learning strategies for (inter)personal development in partnership with Young Life
● New Horizons Foundation Adventure Education Service Learning strategies (inter)personal development democratic government moral values obligations Lupeni Romania market economy Young Life IMPACT

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