SC Plasticon FAGARAS produce matrite si repere din plastic pentru industria mobilei, textila, alimentara, farmaceutica, auto, constructii. |
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S.C. Lorena S.R.L. - Activitate de colectare si valorificare a deseurilor din mase plastice si carton. |
repere din material plastic; PLASTOR S.A. este partenerul pe care il cautati |
partener, seriozitate, profesionalism, experienta, Materiale plastice, Plastics, Articole de menaj, Galeti, Ligheane, Capace toaleta, Toilet seats, Cosuri rufe, Laundry baskets, Ambalaje plastic, Plastic packaging, Bidoane, Barrels, Butoaie, Canistre, Canteens, ...
With its business lines, Bulk and Performance Monomers, Molding Compounds and Acrylic Sheet, the Methacrylates Business Unit is part of Degussa's Specialty Materials Reporting Segment. With its standard and specialty products, the Methacrylates Business Unit is a leading global supplier of methacrylate chemicals. The business unit is one of the few suppliers to operate along the entire value chain, from raw material to finished acrylic. Our strategy focuses on three key areas - specialization, g ... |
monomers, methacrylate, MMA, PLEXIGLAS, PLEX, PARAPAN, PLEXICOR, PLEXIMID, PLEXALLOY, CYROLITE, XT Polymer, PLEXIFIX, ACRIFIX, SOUNDSTOP, Ester, crosslinkers, Acryl, granules, sheet, rod, ...
Infiintata in anul 1995, societatea franceza PLEXIROM cu sediul in Bucuresti Romania s-a impus ca lider European in procesarea materiei plastice. |
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Aici gasesti Chip-uri Poker, Set-uri Jetoane, Accesorii, Mese, Top-uri, Poker Chips ( Chipsuri ), Carti de joc plasticate |
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Poker Shop - cel mai mare magazin online de POKER din Romania !
Aici gasesti Chip-uri Poker, Set-uri Jetoane, Accesorii, Mese, Top-uri, Poker Chips ( Chipsuri ), Carti de joc plasticate |
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Oportunitati de afaceri comert servicii online linkuri productie pungi ambalaje plastic folie termocontractanta benzi masa plastica saci plastic saci menajeri - simple sau personalizate
business opportunity trade plastic bags factory HDPE tape customized cheap price |
Oportunitati de afaceri comert servicii online linkuri productie pungi ambalaje plastic folie termocontractanta benzi masa plastica saci plastic saci menajeri - simple sau personalizate
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