AKROM AKAL TEXTILE ROMANIA, a strong competitor in the yarn production market, trades and produces 100% acrylic yarn, acrylic blends with wool, cotton, viscose along with different fancy yarns. AKROM AKAL TEXTILE ROMANIA, un concurent de marca pe piata producatorilor de fire, comercializează si produce firul 100% acrylic, precum si amestecuri de acril cu lână, bumbac, vâscoză si diferite fire speciale. |
Acril Acrylic
Alpaca Alpaca
Amestec Blend
Angora Angora
Banda Lace
Berber Berber
Bobina Bobbin
Bumbac Cotton
Capat liber Open-end
Cartela Cartela
Catalog Catalogue
Cheviot Cheviot
Ciorap Hosiery
Colectie Collection
Compozitie Composition
Con Cone
Concentratie Shrinkage
Confectii Woven cloth
Covor Carpet
Den Denier
Dres Hosiery
Dupont Dupont
Elastan Elasthan
Elastic Stretch
Elite Elite
Esantion Sampl ...
Art Studio NC is a very well equipped professional photo studio for commercial photography. Covers many areas of commercial photography, from product shoots and still life to large on-location photography shoots. Art Studio NC also produces fine art photography. Provides the best in high quality photography, based on elegant studio lighting and creative image making. |
photography, commercial, pictures, Romania, Bucharest, nicolae cosniceru, artist, art studio, artstudio, advertising, assignments, studio, fine art, still life, product shoot, fashion, portrait, landscape, architecture, on-location, ...
Deceuninck designs and produces PVC/vinyl window and door systems and building profiles for applications such as windows, doors, shutters, wall cladding, baconies, suspended ceilings, town and park furniture, flexible tubes |
Electroputere, Craiova, Romania, ISO, 9001,
electric, apparatus, disconnecting, switches, low, medium, high, voltage, load, automatized,
switching units, transformers, current, capacitive, special, ...
Interscope is a software development company which produces Year 2000 compliant software targeted to all major Win32 platforms (Windows 95/98/NT4/2000). Interscope's products are organized into three main lines: Internet tools, Security tools and Information distribution. We also offer our outsourcing, off-shore software development as well as web design and building services and are committed to providing high quality software and solutions. |
Interscope; BlackBox; InstallMaster; what's new; software; offshore development; off-shore; outsourcing, services; support; security; setup; installer; downloads; evaluation; try; buy; register;
A computer printer is a computer peripheral device that produces a hard copy from data stored in a computer connected to it. |
Printer, Computer printer, Laser Printer, Monochrome printer, Colour Printer, Photo Printer, Daisy wheel printer, Thermal printer, Barcode printer, Teleprinter, Toner-based printer, Inkjet printer, Impact printer, Dot-matrix printer, Line printer, Printing speed, Print Server, Printer business, Printer manufacturer, ...
Simpatic Software is an independent software company that produces custom applications for their customers. We use an Agile methodology and try to use as many best practices as possible. We try to keep things simple, but provide our customers with top of the edge applications that are easy to use and cheap to mantain. Our motto is: Information is Power. Controling the Information, the Power will be yours! |
Simpatic Software, simpatic, software, programming, java, c#, c sharp, asp net, asp.net, javascript, html, css, php, mysql, tutorial, free software, web design, webdesign, web application, templates, ...
SUBEX SA is a major fastener manufacturer in Romania that produces screws, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, stud bolts, anchors. SUBEX designs and manufactures custom-made items
and fasteners for many industries SUBEX SA este liderul producatorilor de organe de asamblare din Romania.Produce suruburi, piulite, saibe, prezoane, nituri, bride.SUBEX proiecteaza si executa o gama larga de
produse speciale si produse standardizate pentru diverse domenii de activitate |
fasteners, organe de asamblare, screws, suruburi, bolts, piulite, nuts, saibe, washers, prezoane, stud botls, nituri, rivets, bride miniere, anchors, subex, bacau, Romania, ...
Robinete Industriale SA: produces and sells grey and ductile iron valves: gate, check, butterfly valves, hydrants, moulds, strainers, fittings and castings |
Deceuninck designs and produces PVC/vinyl window and door systems and building profiles for applications such as windows, doors, shutters, wall cladding, baconies, suspended ceilings, town and park furniture |
