Team Building, team building, team, echipa, spirit de echipa, teamwork, munca in echipa, aventura, dezvoltare profesionala, formare profesionala, curs de formare, mountain bike, bicicleta, corzi, expeditie, training, cursuri, activitati outdoor, outdoor, supravietuire, ...
TEHNE - Center for Innovation and Development in Education is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training. |
romania, ngo, ong, organizatie, organisation, education, educational, online, elearning, e-learning, online learning, educatie la distanta, invatamant deschis la distanta, IDD, software educational, educatie, educatia, educativi, educative, educational, ...
Projelerinizi etkili ve kazandıran işlere dönüştürmek için yeni bir ortak... |
thepartners, partners, the partners, proje, organizasyon, rockncoke, ican, apple ican, eurovision, eurovision 2004, Fırat Kasapoğlu, Aslı Ekşioğlu, firat kasapoglu, asli eksioglu, danışmanlık, proje, pazarlama, networking, ...
Welcome to Trident PRO Trident Pro is a new web design studio based in Bucharest, Romania. Innovative, original and engaging, our team of web developers and programmers are willing to give the best for our clients. And, of course, nothing pleases... |
Design, Project, Web, Team, Trident, Pro, Dont, Graphic, Learn, Try, Day, Each, Them, Without, Why, Behind, Constantly, Internet, Evolving, Have, ...
Proiect finatat de Comisia Europeana prin programul LIFE Environment de creare a unei retele de colectare a uleiului uzat in Regiunea 5 Vest din Romania. |
used oil, ulei uzat, retea de colectare, coolecting network, LIFE, Environment Project, proiect, Mediu, Romania, Arad, Caras-Severin, Hunedoara, LIFE ENV00/RO/000989, Environmental, Protection, Agency, European Commission, PETROM, protectia mediului, deseuri, ...
Romania, Cluj, business software, FMCG, ERP, CRM, SFA, EAS,
neomanager, B-Org, Hermes, SFA, solutii pentru distribuitori, distributie,
gestiune, contabilitate, stocuri, logistica, productie, analiza manageriala, ...
free, gratuit, trekking, montagne, randonnées, sport, sac à dos, chalet, parcours, cartes, précipices, roches, sources, dépressions, équipement, alpinisme, nature, marques, cascades, chutes d’eau, ...
EN: Ultima Studio is one of the best Romanian architecture studio, with many international prizes .
RO: Ultima Studio este unul dintre cele mai bune studiouri de arhitectura din Romania, castigatori a multor premii internationale. |
architecture, design, building, buildings, romania, bucharest, international, construct, construction, studio, best, team, corporate, company, paul, hartescu, mighty, click, arhitectura, constructii, ...
ULTRATEC Romania - Security Systems, Audio Hi-Fi, IT, Mobile Phones, Tuning |
ULTRATEC, Bucuresti, Craiova, Dolj, Romania, Oltenia, sisteme, systems, securitate, security, alarme, alarms, paza, protectie, interventie, monitorizare, auto, moto, motor, accesorii, ...
