The Radiant Kogaion Foundation, serving as a global resource for information and education concerning The RadianceTechnique(R), Real Reiki(R), Authentic Reiki(R); preserving and protecting the science ofTRT(R); and creating and supporting Radiant Peace Projects |
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Rambøll is a leading Nordic consulting group with more than
4000 employees worldwide |
Ramboll Romania, consultants, Ramboll, Romania, engineering, technical assistance, project management, feasibility, cost-benefit, financial, grant fund management, structural funds, institutional strengthening, capacity building, due diligence, auditing, awareness, information, management, transport, ...
| - web design si webhosting. |
ebot, ebot technosoft ltd., Indore, India, MP, madhya pradesh, microsoft certified partner, MCP Certified, software companies, Technosoft Companies, Information Technology Companies, IT Services, Outsourcing, Multimedia, software, Development, Application Development, Web Design, Web Development, Flash Presentation, ...
Presentation of the Romanian Information Technology Initiative - RITI dot-Gov project financed by USAID and implemented in Romania by Internews |
descrpition, objectives, Romania, Information, Technology, Initiative, RITI, dot-Gov, dot-Com, project, USAID, Internews, electronic communications, IT, e-commerce, reform, regulatory, market, competition, experts, ...
Fichtner Romelectro Engineering Romania. Transmission lines consulting and engineering services |
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ROMANIA LAND - Professional team with experience in real estate project development and business development. |
Official Roma community web site in Romania - European Union financed project |
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Soft Automatizari si Energetica Romānia - is specialized in development of complete informational and automation solutions for industrial processes |
SAER, saer, automation, engineering research, engineering, researches, software, hardware, computer applications, computers, applications, expert systems, modelling, simulations, artificial intelligence, information systems, Automation, control, realtime, parallel processing, ...
SAG INVESTMENT este o companie constituita la initiativa unor profesionisti specializati in MANAGEMENTUL PROIECTELOR si CONSULTANTA pentru accesarea de FONDURI EUROPENE. Echipa SAG INVESTMENT are o bogata experienta profesionala in EUROPA si S.U.A, contribuind la elaborarea unora dintre programele operationale ale Romaniei. SAG INVESTMENT a aparut ca raspuns la cererea tot mai evidenta de profesionalism in abordarea unor domenii aproape necunoscute in Romania, respectiv : managementul proiectelo ... |
SAG INVESTMENT, fonduri structurale, fonduri europene, Proiect Management, Fondurilor Europene, EUROPA, Project Management, Consultanta, Obtinerea de Fonduri, SUA, Fonduri Structurale, FEDR, FSE, Fondul de Coeziune, coeziune, Fonduri Complementare, FEADR, FEP, PROFESIONALISM, CONSULTANTA INTEGRATA, ...
