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Fundatia Radiant Kogaion - Adresa web
The Radiant Kogaion Foundation, serving as a global resource for information and education concerning The RadianceTechnique(R), Real Reiki(R), Authentic Reiki(R); preserving and protecting the science ofTRT(R); and creating and supporting Radiant Peace Projects

Ramboll Romania - Adresa web
Rambøll is a leading Nordic consulting group with more than 4000 employees worldwide

index, tuxlife project - Adresa web - web design si webhosting. - Adresa web

RITI dot-Gov - Adresa web
Presentation of the Romanian Information Technology Initiative - RITI dot-Gov project financed by USAID and implemented in Romania by Internews

Welcome, Fichtner Engineering - Adresa web
Fichtner Romelectro Engineering Romania. Transmission lines consulting and engineering services
● fichtner engineering romania transmission distribution lines consulting engineering structural civil cigre lectures company quality iso publications services line routing optical fibre grids tower plotting statical calculation drawings testing programs T/L equipment project management technical specifications tender documents contractor design approval construction site supervision commissioning

ROMANIA LAND - Professional team with experience in real estate project development and business development.

rroma . ro, connecting roma community - Adresa web
Official Roma community web site in Romania - European Union financed project

SAER, Soft Automatizari si Energetica Romānia... software, automation, energetics, modelling, simulations ... - Adresa web
Soft Automatizari si Energetica Romānia - is specialized in development of complete informational and automation solutions for industrial processes

SAG Fonduri Structurale, Home - Adresa web
SAG INVESTMENT este o companie constituita la initiativa unor profesionisti specializati in MANAGEMENTUL PROIECTELOR si CONSULTANTA pentru accesarea de FONDURI EUROPENE. Echipa SAG INVESTMENT are o bogata experienta profesionala in EUROPA si S.U.A, contribuind la elaborarea unora dintre programele operationale ale Romaniei. SAG INVESTMENT a aparut ca raspuns la cererea tot mai evidenta de profesionalism in abordarea unor domenii aproape necunoscute in Romania, respectiv : managementul proiectelo ...

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