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IMSAT Bucuresti, provider of industrial solutions: automations, railways, telecommunications, computer ... - Adresa web
IMSAT SA Bucharest specialized in industrial services: Automation, Railways, Telecommunications, Networking, Firefighting & Access control systems, Electrical equipment, Metallic structures
Automation in cement plants, water plants and power plants, Railways, Telecommunications, Networking, Firefighting & Access control systems, Electrical equipment, Metallic structures, Turnkey industrial projects

Eficienta in relatiile interactive dintre companie si clienti, furnizori si parteneri. - Adresa web
Solutii software pentru eficientizarea relatiilor dintre companie si clienti, furnizori, parteneri si angajati.

INFOBRAIN - Adresa web
INFOBRAIN Standard Software for GSM Mobilcom. IT Services on Host (z/OS), Midrange (i5, AIX, Linux, UNIX), PC (Windows)
● infobrain switzerland it consulting it services it projects consulting outsourcing software development project development analysis programming concepts design gsm wap asn.1 tap tap2 tap3 td.32 td.57 validate validation edit nrtrde rap rap1 rap2 visual basic visual c++ java c c++ mfc access ms-access ms-office windows 95 windows 98 windows nt windows 2000 windows xp sql db2 oracle object oriented ooa ood oox

Infoservice web design and software developement - Adresa web
Our company activity is web design and software developement. If you have any project in this fields please let us to know ASAP

Multimedia Company, Romania - Adresa web
INTERACTIVE LOOK is an experienced creative studio building multimedia solutions and technical assistance. We may offer at any time additional strategic and software support.

IPCM Consulting and Engineering company - Adresa web
IPCM SA Bucuresti - Consulting and Engineering Company, Professional services for industrial and civil design, business plans, market survey, representation services for Schenck AG Germany

IPCT S.A. - Adresa web
Building Design, Research and Software Institute IPCT S.A., Romania. Over 40 years of experience in civil engineering design and research. International projects. Civil engineering software development. Turn-key contracting. Earthquake engineering

Sa pornim impreuna! - Adresa web
Aceasta echipa tanara s-a orientat de la bun inceput spre dezvoltarea aplicatiilor intranet si internet, ce ruleaza cu sau fara suportul bazelor de date

.: IT, Projects :. , Romania - - Adresa web
Medialine EuroTrade - servicii profesionale pentru dumneavoastra: Computer (Soft- si Hardware), Internet (Webdesign si Webhosting), Project- si IT-Consulting

IP Devel is a leader in the Romanian software outsourcing market. The success of this dynamic company relies on each team's capabilities to engineer some of the newest, most innovative, most challenging projects worldwide. IP Devel helps clients build, integrate, and support their mission-critical applications, delivering cost-effective solutions with established quality standards at its offshore facility. With larger, diversified projects on order, specialization and expansion accelerate our co ...

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