Romanian crewing agency speciallised in providing qualified crew as well as spares and consultancy for Romanian built vessels. |
crewing agency, crewing, manning, crew management, vessels management, ship management, shipment, shipping, shipowner, crew agent, crew, marine, maritime, crewmember, crew database, crew databank, captain, master, seaman, seamen, ...
Actual Consulting is providing consulting recruitment services specializing in the executive search & selection of top and middle managers |
Career, development, consulting, counselling, advice, advisor, professional development, search firm, executives, executive search firm, executive search, executive jobs, senior executive, executive recruiters, executive recruiting, executive recruitment, retained executive search firm, senior level executive search, executive search consultants, consultants in executive search, ...
scada, s.c.a.d.a., tehnologii integrate, RxDataGateway is a central SCADA server providing multiple functions, AlarmView32 is a complex application that provides real time visualization of the alarms and events, automatizari, industriale, RTU, PLC, senzor, citire contoare, regii apa, puncte termice, centrale termice, hidro, hidrocentrale, monitorizare, achizitii date, parametri, OPC, ...
ADdesign Pro has a team of top notch designers and developers specialized in producing extremely professional websites and graphics. They are specialized in visualizing your ideas to real functioning projects, providing web solutions across the globe. AgDesign Pro's objective is to help the clients in structuring and implementing the most effective means to achieving practical results. |
web, hosting, webdesign, site, design, websites, AgDesign, corporate, identity, logo, banner, flash, html, brochure, e-commerce, ecommerce, shoppingcart, development, solutions, icons, ...
Innovative advertising agency providing out-of-the-box services: surprising creation, extraordinary events and unconventional advertising production. Godmother - Professional Hocus Pocus |
AstraZeneca corporate information, one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies providing effective prescription drugs and innovative prescription medicines in many important therapeutic areas |
AstraZeneca corporate information, one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies providing effective prescription drugs and innovative prescription medicines in many important therapeutic areas |
Dacoda este o companie de expeditii si transport rutier de marfa, cu capital 100% romanesc. Dacoda realizeaza trasporturi de marfa pe plan intern, in Romania, dar si in Europa. Dacoda is a forwarder and carrier company, with 100% Romanian capital. Dacoda is providing transportation services for cargo within Romania, but also in Europe. |
Dacoda Expeditii Rutiere, Dacoda Freight Forwarding, Romania, Bucharest, Bucuresti, Spedition, freight, shipping, forwarding, export, import, transportation, truck, freight-forwarding, cargo, land, sea, air, transport, customs clearance, ...
Datascan is specialized in Barcode and Mobile solution (Inventory, Picking), providing Hardware Equipment and Software solution and all Services associated. |
cod de bare, imprimanta de etichete, etichete, Symbol, Zebra, Datalogic, RFID, Inventar, Logistica, Picking, depozit, Livrari, Shipping, Barcode printers, terminale Mobile, Scanner, Barcode reader, Industrial terminal, Label applicator, Thermal printers, ...
