Cuvinte cautate: Relatii internationale


S.C. ARCOLINE S.R.L. - Adresa web
S.C. ARCOLINE S.R.L. TRANSPORT DE MARFĂ INTERNATIONAL - încarcaturi complete si partiale cu camioane de 20 t sau 3 t pe relatiile: Italia, Spania, Portugalia, Germania, Belgia, Olanda, Franta si Anglia.

BDR Associates, Our identity - Adresa web
BDR Associates-Communication Group is one of the most successful PR agencies in Romania. Its team of consultants with large international expertise offers a complete range of PR services for major multinational and local clients.

BusinessTech International Press, Carte de Afaceri - Adresa web
Carti de Instruire in Afaceri - Sa vinzi mai bine, Sa conduci mai bine, Sa-ti valorifici resursele mai bine, Sa te organizezi mai bine, Sa fii cunoscut mai bine - Sa-ti invingi limitele ca sa traiesti mai bine! - BusinessTech International Press

Centrul Gafencu - Adresa web
Centrul de cercetare in domeniul relatiilor internationale Grigore Gafencu

Firmă britanică de consultanţă în comunicare – Chelgate Ltd - Adresa web
Firma romaneasca de relatii publice, Chelgate Limited, agentie de relatii publice din Bucuresti, Romania, Chelgate ofera servicii de PR international, corporate, financiar, Internet PR, servicii de marketing, relatii guvernamentale, UE, media, investitii, relatii publice, mamagement de criza.

{ C2K } Programul Cultura 2000 - Adresa web
The official page of the Romanian Cultural Contact Point for the Programme Culture 2000 of the European Union

DRIIE, Departamentul de Relatii Internationale si Integrare Europeana | - Adresa web
Universitatea din Pitesti, pagina de prezentare a facultatilor, specializarilor si posibilitatilor de afirmare

Funky Business, Straight to your heart! - Adresa web
Our aim is to help our clients promote their products and services and increase their profitability through effective and powerful live communication. In order to achieve this, we provide unique solutions that go straight to the heart of our audience.

Forum Invest, a world of business connections - Adresa web
ForumInvest supports the international business community through business forums and events, PR & public affairs and business consultancy related to Romania

Goodyear Dunlop Tires Romania SRL - Adresa web
Goodyear is the world's largest tire company. Together with its U.S. and international subsidiaries and joint ventures, Goodyear manufactures and markets tires for most applications. It also manufactures and sells several lines of power transmission belts, hose and other rubber products for the transportation industry and various industrial and consumer markets, as well as rubber-related chemicals for various applications.

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