AlthernaTerra SF Online Magazin for Science Fiction, Movies Art and Literature |
ATSF, SF, scifi, science, fiction, art, movies, literature, romanian, Romania, online, webzin, ezine, magazine, media, storyes , ...
Colgate-Palmolive - Producător de top pentru produsele de Îngrijire Orală şi Personală |
ABC, Ajax, Afta, Arctic, Caprice, Crystal White Octagon, Dermassage, Fleecy, Javex, Lady Speed Stick, Mennen, Palmolive, Protex, Suavitel, Speed Stick, Teen Spirit, Vel, Science Diet, antiperspirant, deodorant, ...
Cosima Rughinis - My site |
Cosima, Rughinis, sociology, ethics, teaching, explanation, social, science, paradigma,
paradigm, Roma, Gypsy, research, Romania, Bucharest, university, lecturer, seminar, ...
SC BIBLIOTECA CHIMIEI SA is a public library specialized in the chemistry |
"Costin D. Nenitescu" Institute of Organic Chemistry is part of the Romanian Academy research network. Graduate education (Ph.D.). |
university, bucharest, institute, romania, organic chemistry, computational chemistry, quantum chemistry, molecular modelling, education, research, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR, stereoselectivity, chirality, alkaloid, sonochemistry, heterocycle, natural product, ring enlargement, ...
Site-ul lui ClaudeBlair, cu poze, joculete, reviewuri, blog, pareri, forum s.a |
The DuPont Company Home Page. |
DuPont, dupont, Dupont, biotech, biotechnology, agriculture, farming, apparel, aerospace, automotive, construction, construction materials, fibers, carpet, floor covering, corian, home, sports apparel, electronics, environment, ...
adventure, science, education, recreation, climbing, caving, trekking, hiking, mountaineering, survival, rafting, kayaking, Carpathians, cave, ecotourism, ecoadventure, nature tourism, fly fishing, fishing, carp, ...
Maître de conférences en Linguistique, syntaxe formelle, à l'Université de Paris 8 - Sciences du Langage. Chercheur à l'UMR 7023 du CNRS : Structures formelles du langage : typologie et acquisition, métrique et poétique. |
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fictiuni, povestiri, poezii, poezie, povestire, fictiune, science fiction, science, fiction, poetry, ozn, ozn-uri, scriitori, poeti, arte, vizuale, literatura, anticipatie, multimedia, promovare on line, ...
