Premier Romanian provider of Custom software development, software outsourcing, and offshore software development services for clients in UK, USA, France, Switzerland and Belgium |
Acqua, Development, Romania, Romanian, software, services, Custom Software Solutions, Software Development, outsourcing, offshore, offshore outsourcing, software service development, Romania software outsourcing, offshore software outsourcing Romania, Romania outsourcing, outsourcing Romania, outsourcing Europe, Europe outsourcing, custom software development romania, romania custom software development, ...
The Chamber of Commerce Switzerland - Romania (Camera de Comert Elvetia - Romania) is the local representative for Romania of the Chamber of Commerce Switzerland - Central Europe (SEC) and a member of SwissCham (Association of Swiss Foreign Trade Chambers), both based in Zürich, Switzerland. |
EurotaxGlass’s is the product of a merger between the two companies, Eurotax AG and Glass’s Information Services Limited, and has its headquarters near Zurich, Switzerland. We have a presence in 27 European countries and Australia, operating through 20 subsidiaries and eight distribution partners. |
glass's guide, Eurotaxglass, car values, Europe, cars, Autowert, Xchange, Autocalc, Print Valuation, Print Calculation, Egis, Compare, Forecast, Market Intelligence, PartsMonitor, ClaimsControl, RepairEstimate, Consumer Web Site, Whitelabelling, Advertising, ...
Glencore International AG |
Glencore, Baar, Schweiz, Switzerland, Commodity, Aluminium, Zinc, Iron, Alloys, Nickel, Coal, Copper, Alumina
INFOBRAIN Standard Software for GSM Mobilcom. IT Services on Host (z/OS), Midrange (i5, AIX, Linux, UNIX), PC (Windows) |
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Turbocenter importa si comercializeaza turbosuflante si accesorii, ofera service si reconditionare pentru turbosuflante de orice tip si ofera garantii prin cei peste 10 ani de experienta in domeniul turbosuflantelor auto si prin relatiile strategice cu firmele Cummins Turbo Technologies (Holset), Borg Warner (KKK Switzer), Garrett. |
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Volvo, Volvo, Trucks, Vovlo, Customer Offers, Volvo trucks, Heavy trucks, Markets, Sales companies, Dealers, Brazil, Denmark, Area East, Finland, France, Germany, India, Korea, Lithuania, Middle East, ...
Premier Romanian provider of Custom software development, software outsourcing, and offshore software development services for clients in UK, USA, France, Switzerland and Belgium |
Acqua, Development, Romania, Romanian, software, services, Custom Software Solutions, Software Development, outsourcing, offshore, offshore outsourcing, software service development, Romania software outsourcing, offshore software outsourcing Romania, Romania outsourcing, outsourcing Romania, outsourcing Europe, Europe outsourcing, custom software development romania, romania custom software development, ...
The Chamber of Commerce Switzerland - Romania (Camera de Comert Elvetia - Romania) is the local representative for Romania of the Chamber of Commerce Switzerland - Central Europe (SEC) and a member of SwissCham (Association of Swiss Foreign Trade Chambers), both based in Zürich, Switzerland. |
Glencore International AG |
Glencore, Baar, Schweiz, Switzerland, Commodity, Aluminium, Zinc, Iron, Alloys, Nickel, Coal, Copper, Alumina
