M&C Musical Instruments Distributor |
M&C Musical Instruments, Music Instruments, Audio Instruments, Audio Distribution, sintetizatoare, boxe, piane, chitari, efecte procesoare chitara, tobe, cinele, corzi chitara, percutie, instrumente muzicale, importator, boxe, difuzoare, amplificatoare, statii chitara, combo, ...
WebdeW - web design profesional, seo, servicii profesionale: optimizare pagini internet, site, pagini internet, optimizare, promovare online, design logo & banner and a lot of free webmaster tools, link check... |
webdew, web design, seo, optimizare, site, pagini internet, reclama, promovare, online, link, check, web, design, pagini, profesional, , ...
NoBug is an expert digital design verification company that masters a full range of technologies (functional, formal, and assertion-based) with a variety of tools (Specman, RuleBase, Vera, SystemVerilog, Verilog-PLI/C). NoBug's activity covers 3 directions: Digital Design Verification, Digital Design and Software development for EDA tools. |
NoBug, NOBUG, consulting, ASIC, VLSI, design, verification, services, system-on-chip, SOC,
hardware, chip, microcontroller, network processor, silicon, 10Gbps, Ethernet, chipset, device, core, ...
Programul PaneCutter este primul soft romanesc destinat pentru generarea automata a planului de debitare, pentru reducerea costurilor. |
PaneCutter, software romanesc, 2D, pane, cut, cutting, optimize, optimization, optimum, plan, design, free download, download, demo, algorithm, Windows, software, saw, glass, wood, ...
Altium Limited (ASX: ALU). Altium's design tools cover a wide range of design processes including FPGA design capture, VHDL / schematic capture, PCB layout, analysis and verification, CAM and embedded systems development. Altium Designer is the world's first and only unified electronic product development system that allows engineers to take a design from concept to completion within a single application. Altium Limited (ASX: ALU), leader des logiciels de CAO électronique et de développement p ... |
Altium, Altium Designer, Electronics Design Automation, embedded software, hardware, software, Nexar, Protel, CircuitStudio, P-CAD, TASKING, CAMtastic, EDA, PCB software, Schematic software, FPGA software, VHDL simulation, FPGA synthesis, virtual instruments, IP cores, ...
Profitools Satu Mare distribuitor autorizat de scule, accesorii, echipamente si utilaje pentru constructii |
Romania, Satu Mare, Professional tools, Profitools, scule electrice, scule pneumatice, BOSCH, MAKITA, METABO, SKIL, generatoare de curent, motopompe, pompe, hidrofoare, pompe submersibile, compresoare, aparate de sudura, generatoare de sudura, comvertizoare de sudura, utilaje de constructii, ...
Cuptoare pentru industria ceramica si utilaje reconditionate. |
Software for hosting companies, VoIP Control Panel, VoipNow, Plesk and Virtuozzo extensions, dns management tools, The leading hosted PBX software |
VoipNow, Asterisk, Plesk, Parallels, Virtuozzo, DNS Manager, server upgrade, emergency intervention, Plesk addon, SiteBuilder, antivirus, antispam, backup
Software for hosting companies, VoIP Control Panel, VoipNow, Plesk and Virtuozzo extensions, dns management tools, The leading hosted PBX software |
VoipNow, Asterisk, Plesk, Parallels, Virtuozzo, DNS Manager, server upgrade, emergency intervention, Plesk addon, SiteBuilder, antivirus, antispam, backup
European website of the Ridge Tool Company (brand name: RIDGID). We make tools for professionals for pipe tubing and cutting, pressing, inspection, locating, threading and much more. |
rigid, ridgid, Ridge, professional, tool, clamping, threading, roll grooving, pressing, pipe cutting, tube cutting, tube preparation, bending, sawing, assembly, maintenance, inspection, seesnake, diamond drilling, diamond cutting, ...
