Romtoroid, transformers, toroidal transformers, current transformers,
special toroidal transformers, toroidal smoothing chokes for filters, Romania, romania,
toroidal transformers for halogen lamps, transformer, smoothing chokes, power supply,
power supplies, current transmitters, transmitters, transducer, inductive toridal transducer, ...
silveracre, comics, spiderman, superman, batman, conan, avengers, x-men, marvel, dc, auctions, toys, classic illustrated, horror, superhero, thor, silver-surfer, british, captain america, joker, ...
Contico-Technologies SRL was founded in 2004, as a manufacturers representative, to meet the ever-expanding semiconductor and computing requirements of European market. |
contico, technologies, manufacturers representative, semiconductor, computing requirements, Transformers, inductors, Capacitors, inductors, active components, power supplies,
Electroputere, Craiova, Romania, ISO, 9001,
electric, apparatus, disconnecting, switches, low, medium, high, voltage, load, automatized,
switching units, transformers, current, capacitive, special, ...
:: Electro Service srl Bacau - reparatii de motoare, transformatoare si aparataj electric |
Electro Service, Electroservice, electro service, electroservice, motoare, transformatoare, aparataj electric, reparatii, motors, transformers, electrical apparatus, repairing
HIDROSERV, Cluj, Romania
S.C. Hidroserv Cluj S.A. este o societate comerciala cu capital de stat avand ca obiectiv
principal de activitate : lucrari de intretinere, revizii tehnice, constructii hidrotehnice,
reparati si verificari procese automate, aparate de masura; si control, reparatii si modernizari
la agregatele si instalatiile energetice.
HIDROSERV, Hidroserv, hidroserv, Cluj, servicii, pram, amc, PRAM, AMC, hidro, hidroagregate, protectii, automatizari, confectii, metalice,
verificari, metrologice, electric, electrica, telecomunicatii, ...
Fondată în 1992, compania NECOM este specializată în proiectarea şi producţia bobinajelor de înaltă performanţă. NECOM produce transformatoare clasice cu tole (EI, UI, 3UI), transformatoare toroidale, bobine de reactanţă, şocuri, balasturi, redresoare, filtre şi diverse bobinaje după specificaţia clientului. |
transformatoare, transformatoare toroidale, transformatoare monofazate, transformatoare trifazare, transformatoare in ulei, transformatoare de distributie, bobine, bobine de reactanta, bobine de inductie, bobine de inductanta, inductante, inductanta, inductivitati, socuri, bobine de soc, bobine de netezire, filtre de armonici, filtre, armonici, netezire, ...
bobine, transformatoare, self, transformateur, coils, transformers, electromagnets, electro-aimant, romanelec |
Romtoroid, transformers, toroidal transformers, current transformers,
special toroidal transformers, toroidal smoothing chokes for filters, Romania, romania,
toroidal transformers for halogen lamps, transformer, smoothing chokes, power supply,
power supplies, current transmitters, transmitters, transducer, inductive toridal transducer, ...
Magazin de jocuri si jucarii! Brandurile noastre: Spiderman, Transformers, Power Rangers, Roary&The Racing Car, Star Wars, Iron Man, Zapf, Baby Anabelle, Fifi |