Servicii de suport tehnic, training si consultanta pentru implementarea de solutii de captura, prelucrare, gestiune si distributie de informatii. |
Learn on-line! Books and courses for management and leadership, HR, project management, IT Professionals, sales and customer service, business strategy and operations and desktop skills trough distance education. |
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We specialize in Software Design & Development, including Research and Consulting, Documentation and Training, Maintenance and Customer Support |
CST, CornerSoft, CornerSoft, Technologies, CST Group, CST-USA, CST-UK, CST-TE, VEMS, VPO, Project, Management, Outsourcing, Software Development, Software, Outsourcing, Internet, Banking, e-banking, ebanking, ...
We are a private company dedicated to Organizational Development. Asistam firmele pentru imbunatatirea rezultatelor si a climatului de lucru. |
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Diagma is the One Stop Shop for investment in Romania. Wheter you are planning to establish a business in Romania or to consolidate/ expand/ optimize your existing one, we think we can help you. |
Consulting, Services, consulting services, investment in Romania, Romania, business opportunities, business plans, legal, legal advise, legal advice, lobby, permits, authorisations, HR, HR services, recruitment, training, investment, project management, accounting, ...
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Servicii de Consultanta si Project Management |
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Specialized in projects regarding: starting and developing new business, sales and marketing strategy, personnel strategy, consulting |
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Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system |
