Executam la comanda echipamente industriale si subansamble pentru acestea ; elemente de finisaje in constructia de locuinte (balustrade, scari, placari din mobilier metalic); ornamente si accesorii auto; echipamente pentru instalatii (boilere, recipienti, calorifere, cuve); confectii metalice diverse. |
SUDOMETAL, ESAB, PARWELD, GCE, NEDERAMAN, sudura, sudare, electrozi, baghete, sarma, echipamente, aparate, pistoleti, accesorii, oxi-gaz, plasma, reductoare de presiune, MIG-MAG, WIG, TIG, ...
totalserve, company registration, trust and management, international tax, corporate services, consulting, cyprus companies, cyprus taxation, cyprus tax laws, cyprus tax, investment advisors, international trusts, companies in cyprus, financial services, foreign tax, tax consultants, business consultants, ...
TrustNet security solutions inspire confidence by securing e-business. Solutions include identity management, access management, secure mobile and remote access, secure enterprise access, and secure transactions. |
security, secure systems, information security, IT security, privacy, encryption, certificates, digital certificates, smartcard, biometric, biometric device, public key infrastructure, security services, safety, online safety, safe email, siemens id mouse, id mouse professional, cherry id mouse, ...
nalco, international, electrocasnice, ufesa, magazine, epilator, cadouri,
taietor de alimente, storcator de citrice, cāntar de bucatarie, prajtoare de pāine, filtru de cafea, combi expresor,
rāsnita de cafea, fierbator de apa, radiator, patura electrica, saltea electrica, termoventilator,
incalzitor pentru picioare, ...
Vector Media is a new advertising agency in the Romanian Advertising Market. Its history is a very short one but already important
Objective: to consolidate the company with the best people within the most efficient and flexible structure
Added value:
-The service and the knowledge of some of the most experienced people in the market
-The special relationship we have with our partners - based on trust and professionalism |
VeriSign, Inc. is the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the digital world.Ā Products include SSL, SSL Certificates, Extended Validation certificates, identity protection. |
ssl, ssl certificates, internet infrastructure services, digital content solutions, extended validation, two-factor authentication, identity protection, Ā managed security services, public key infrastructure (PKI), security consulting, verisign
Elemente de semnalizare pentru infrastructura rutiera, feroviara, navala. Echipamente de siguranta destinate vehiculelor rutiere. Produse media.
Produse din mase plastice executate prin injectie, suflare sau extrudare.
Warning elements for road, railway or naval infrastructure. Passive security elements for road vehicles. Media products.
Plastic products manufactured through injection, blowing or extruding. |
hardware, componente, componente hardware, software, imprimante, retele, hp, microsoft, rainbow, sentinel, protectie hardware, web design, web hosting, safe net
