Import and trading company of tungsten carbide inserts and tools, accessories and spare parts for metalworking, woodworking, stoneworking, as well as other hard metal products, wear parts - Societate de import si comert cu placute si scule din carburi metalice sinterizate, accesorii si componente, precum si alte produse din metale dure, piese de uzura |
tungsten carbide, tungsten carbide cutting tools, indexable cutting inserts, hardmetals, Hartmetall, HM, Cemented carbide, carbides, cemented carbide indexable cutting inserts and accessories, cermet, technical ceramics, ceramics, silicon nitride, metalworking, woodworking, plasticsworking, stoneworking, hard materials, accessories, spare parts, ...
Cutting for flexible PE/ PA/ PP/ PVC/ celofan and paper materials. |
starplast, international, star plast, flexible, packaging, printing, converting equipment, cutting for flexible, packaging materials, PE, PA, PP, celofan, PVC, paper, others, services, slitter rewinder, slitter rewinders, slitter, ...
Stefan Gales, StefanGales, Diana, software, cutters, cutter, cutting, plotter, vinyl, signmaking, cnc, router, routers, routing, engraving, engraver, gravare, gravura, gravat, decupare, ...
S.C. Stejar Forest S.R.L. Bocsa - Producator de semifabricate din lemn, cherestea, frize pentru parchet. Exportator de lemn si semifabricate din lemn. |
Stejarforest, Bocsa, cherestea, lemn, prelucrarea lemnului, frize parchet, panouri, Romania, export cherestea, parchet, fag, stejar, cires, cherestea tivita, beech chopping board, wood panels, fag, brad, cutting boards, stejar, ...
Incalzire, racire, climatizare, radiatie, sisteme de incalzire, aer cald, generatoare, generator, ventilatie, proiectare, tuburi radiante, panouri ceramice, Heating, cooling, air conditioning, heating system, radiation, black tubes, infrared, infrared heaters, ...
Robcon TM SRL is a business located in Timisoara, Romania. We sell coating, welding, heating technology, but also trucks and other heavy equipment. We can represent your business in Romania. |
welding, coating, systems, robots, roboti, industrie, sudura, vopsire, industry, equipment, technology, heating, robcon, romania, Romania, engineering, consulting, cloos, wagner, kamaz, ...
Designers and manufacturers of heavy machine tools, vertical lathes, horizontal boring mills, vertical boring mills, gantry mills, milling machines and tire manufacturing equipment. |
machine tools, cnc machine tools, vertical turning, boring mill, horizontal boring, milling, gantry, gantry mill, Siemens, cnc lathe, vertical turning machine, horizontal turning machine, milling machines, metal cutting
SC TRAIAN SA have the folowing production capacity: cutting equipment, drilling machines, dies, welding, zinc coating, painting |SC TRAIAN SA are urmatoarele capacitati de productie:echipamente debitare, masini gaurit, prese, sudura, vopsire, zincare |
mechanical technologies, tehnologii mecanice, productie de matrite, manufacturing dies, echipament debitare metal, cutting equipment, masini gaurit, drilling, zincare, zinc coating, pitesti, industrie pitesti, romania, romanian industry, industria constructiilor de masini, car industry, Dacia - Renault, ...
Acesta este un site ce face referire cu precadere la activitatile ce au legatura cu prelucrarea maselor plastice, oferind spre analiza o parte din infrastructura tehnologica pentru a putea demonstra in mod transparent capacitatea de productie si calitatea superioara a produsului finit. |
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