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Site-ul lui Catalin Drogoreanu. Aici gasiti o Galerie Foto cu imagini din Romania si Europa, o pagina cu date de Contact, Tutoriale, Webdesign, Webhosting, HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop, Electronica, Networking |
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Simpatic Software is an independent software company that produces custom applications for their customers. We use an Agile methodology and try to use as many best practices as possible. We try to keep things simple, but provide our customers with top of the edge applications that are easy to use and cheap to mantain. Our motto is: Information is Power. Controling the Information, the Power will be yours! |
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Tutoriale PHP Mysql Ajax XML HTML AsP Java JavaScript |
Simpatic Software is an independent software company that produces custom applications for their customers. We use an Agile methodology and try to use as many best practices as possible. We try to keep things simple, but provide our customers with top of the edge applications that are easy to use and cheap to mantain. Our motto is: Information is Power. Controling the Information, the Power will be yours! |
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Simpatic Software is an independent software company that produces custom applications for their customers. We use an Agile methodology and try to use as many best practices as possible. We try to keep things simple, but provide our customers with top of the edge applications that are easy to use and cheap to mantain. Our motto is: Information is Power. Controling the Information, the Power will be yours! |
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Site oficial al Serverului Counter Strike Source - Server Deathmatch 24/7 De_Dust2_Unlimited|HLstatsX:CE| |
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Blogging resources, themes and plugins for your development |
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