Kepler is specialized in information management from the data acquisition to the dissemination media (paper, on-line, CD-ROM) |
programming services, data capture, scanning, internet, on-line services, cd-rom, printing, software, database management, document management systems, sglm, html, telematique, multimedia, traitement de bases de donnees, systemes documentaires imprimerie numerisation, orc, informatique, Roumanie, Romania, ...
Website of the Clinical Institute of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Cluj-Napoca, Romania |
renal transplantation, urology, healthcare, medical, Romania, Cluj-Napoca, surgery, urology, endourology, endoscopy, ESWL, laparoscopy, extracorporeal, shockwave, litotripsy, nephrectomy, kidney, renal failure, transplantation, renal cancer, ...
Making of the seals (Colop and wood), screen printing, inscriptions on cars, sign boards, making call-cards, computer-, english-, and german courses, Internet navigation |
TETRA, tetra, computer, course, internet, Internet, sign board, inscription on cars, call-cards, screen printing, making of the seals, English, german, typing, Internet navigation, ...
TYPINK, typing, type, InDesign, QuarkXpress, FrameMaker, data base, conversion, text, data, documentation, book, journal, service, services, xml, sgml, publishing, electronic, partner, ...
Kepler is specialized in information management from the data acquisition to the dissemination media (paper, on-line, CD-ROM) |
programming services, data capture, scanning, internet, on-line services, cd-rom, printing, software, database management, document management systems, sglm, html, telematique, multimedia, traitement de bases de donnees, systemes documentaires imprimerie numerisation, orc, informatique, Roumanie, Romania, ...
Website of the Clinical Institute of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Cluj-Napoca, Romania |
renal transplantation, urology, healthcare, medical, Romania, Cluj-Napoca, surgery, urology, endourology, endoscopy, ESWL, laparoscopy, extracorporeal, shockwave, litotripsy, nephrectomy, kidney, renal failure, transplantation, renal cancer, ...
Making of the seals (Colop and wood), screen printing, inscriptions on cars, sign boards, making call-cards, computer-, english-, and german courses, Internet navigation |
TETRA, tetra, computer, course, internet, Internet, sign board, inscription on cars, call-cards, screen printing, making of the seals, English, german, typing, Internet navigation, ...
TYPINK, typing, type, InDesign, QuarkXpress, FrameMaker, data base, conversion, text, data, documentation, book, journal, service, services, xml, sgml, publishing, electronic, partner, ...
