Cuvinte cautate: Human resources management


Agora Consulting, Human resources & Management Solutions - Adresa web
Agora Consulting - Solutii management & Resurse umane

AIMS Human Capital Romania - Adresa web
aims Network executive search, personnel search, management search, headhunting, leasing, payroll, training, human resources, consultancy, management consultancy, outplacement, assessment and development center, salary survey, employee opinion survey

AvJobs :: AViation JOB opportunitieS - Adresa web
AViation JOB opportunitieS

Complete Consulting Center - Adresa web
Servicii profesionale de consultanță îm marketing, resurse umane și management

Crescendo, Casa de solutii IT&C - Adresa web
crescendo solutii erp crm management securitatii baze date integrator MFG/PRO

Locuri de munca - Adresa web

Locuri de munca - Adresa web

KeySoft, Solutii Software pentru Management: TMS, ERP, CRM, DMS, SFA, HR, BI, BPM - Adresa web
Key Soft - Solutii software pentru managementul afacerii. Solutie completa ce include ERP - Planificarea resurselor intreprinderii, CRM - Gestiunea relatiilor cu clientii, DMS - managementul documentelor si al fluxurilor, SFA - gestiunea fortei mobile de vanzari - agenti de vanzare, HR - resurse umane, Payroll - salarizare, B2C - Business to Consumer - Catalog web, BPM - Business Process Management - Automatizarea proceselor interne

:: Picoil Info Consult :: - Adresa web

ROSS Consultants:: Welcome - Adresa web
ROSS Consultants provides three distinct types of services: consulting, training and recruitment within five fields of expertise: organisational development, financial management, sales management, human resources management and information management

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