Premier Romanian provider of Custom software development, software outsourcing, and offshore software development services for clients in UK, USA, France, Switzerland and Belgium |
Acqua, Development, Romania, Romanian, software, services, Custom Software Solutions, Software Development, outsourcing, offshore, offshore outsourcing, software service development, Romania software outsourcing, offshore software outsourcing Romania, Romania outsourcing, outsourcing Romania, outsourcing Europe, Europe outsourcing, custom software development romania, romania custom software development, ...
Alvarion is a powerhouse of point-to-multipoint Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) solutions for telecom carriers, service providers and enterprises. Alvarion's systems provide Internet access and voice and data services for subscribers in the last mile, for feeding of cellular networks, for building-to-building connectivity and for wireless local area network (LAN) |
Alvarion, BWA Network, broadband wireless access, wireless lan, fixed wireless, BreezeNET, BreezeACCESS, WALKair, walkair, wirelss access networks, service providers, alvarion, network management, acess, bradband, broaband, broadand, broadbad, broadband, broadbnd, ...
Assist Suceava Romania - Calculatoare, Internet, Hardware, Software. |
Assist; Assist Software; Suceava; Romania; Calculatoare; ISP; Internet; Hardware; Software; Oferte; Imprimante; dealeri; Cimpulung; Botosani; Solutii; Provider; Solutions; Specialisti; Tehnica; Telefonie; Telefoane; GSM; Mobil; Mobile; Driver; Drivere; Drivers; Suport; Support; Asistenta; Garantie; Calitate;
Professional web design company, a provider of digital solutions helping organizations generate competitive value by leveraging the power of technology. Representing important companies and institutions from all over the world. |
web, design, architecture, architect, architects, archi, archiweb, archi-web, top, best, professional, company, companies, quote, competitive, competitiv, free, high, experience, experienced, ...
Axway, now merged with Cyclone, is the leading global provider of collaborative business solutions. Axway establishes the dynamic connections - within and among enterprises - that make companies easier to do business with. |
Axway, Axway software, Synchrony,,, collaborative business solutions, business activity monitor, BAM, business process management, BPM, managed file transfer, MFT, application integration, EAI, Cyclone, Cyclone Commerce, Cyclone software,,, secure data transport, ...
Bensoft Telecom; internet; acces internet; radio; antena; Ben Soft Telecom; web; Internet services; web design; products; Web site; solutions; services; software; internet provider; Bensoft; hosting; webdesign; design; wireless internet provider; wireless; webhosting; timisoara; Self Care; ISP;
design implement Voice LAN/WAN VPN install configure ThreatManagement, Firewall, e-mail server, www, antivirus, antispam, communication server |
protejare retea, securitate, retea, securitate retea, Firewall, UTM, Firewall UTM, Threat, Threat Management, VPN client, VPN server, WAN, LAN, proiectare LAN, proiectare WAN, cablare structurata, Cisco, Nortel, Fortinet, instalare serever, ...
Concept Electronics is a leading Romanian provider of technology and know-how that develops and implements advanced solutions in the fields of resource provisioning, operational security and compliance management for the IT&C infrastructures, as well as professional services and consulting. |
concept electronics, information security, IT security, infrastructure management, data protection, data management, technology, value added services, technical expertise, consulting services, disaster recovery, IT standard compliances, storage, networking, cryptography, identity management, infrastructure and system management, enterprise resource management, storage consolidation, information lifecycle management, ...
crescendo solutii erp crm management securitatii baze date integrator MFG/PRO |
Crescendo, Casa de solutii IT&C, Solutions House, Marius Tulea, IT solutions, Romania, Solutii IT&C /Solution, solution provider,
ERP, MFG/PRO, QAD, financial accounting, financiar contabilitate, contabilitate financiara, human resources management, resurse umane, salarii,
contract management, ISO certified SR EN ISO 9001/2001, CRM, ...
Design Solutions, US, DE, premier provider of engineering, premier provider of design, premier provider of simulation and prototype manufacturing services to the electronics industry |
Design Solutions, Engineering Services, FPGA/ASIC, PCB Design, Software Development, Manufacturing Services, CAD Library Services, electronics industry, design, solutions, dsi, mechanical design, software development, prototype PCB fabrication, cad, pcb, connectors, bga, resistors, freescale, ...
