Extreme Solutions is a software company based in Romania focused on building web-services. |
Leading consumer messaging software and services for mobile operators and ISPs, including mobile email, anti-abuse and more. |
The core competence of the COMPAREX Group is focussed around technologies and solutions for data centre. Having more than 30 years exper... |
COMPAREX - The Availability Architects COMPAREX IT IBM SUN SAN NAS Consolidation High Availability Core Competence Center News Press infrastructure storage integrator server systems IT-management services Back-up restore server based computing EMC Compaq BMC Legato VeritasPrinting Solutions
Site destinat dezvoltarii personale: memorie, inteligenta, creativitate, resurse umane. |
memorie, inteligenta, inteligenta emotionala, creativitate, psihologie, dezvoltare personala, performanta, mnemotehnica, test, succes, uitare, invatare, resurse umane, vitamine, creative solutions, educatie, sanatate, manager, cv, interviu, ...
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 customized solutions. Certified consultants. |
crescendo solutii erp crm management securitatii baze date integrator MFG/PRO |
Crescendo, Casa de solutii IT&C, Solutions House, Marius Tulea, IT solutions, Romania, Solutii IT&C /Solution, solution provider,
ERP, MFG/PRO, QAD, financial accounting, financiar contabilitate, contabilitate financiara, human resources management, resurse umane, salarii,
contract management, ISO certified SR EN ISO 9001/2001, CRM, ...
Leading consumer messaging software and services for mobile operators and ISPs, including mobile email, anti-abuse and more. |
Servicii de tipografie offset si digitala, servicii complete web design, fotografie |
CrystallNET Design - oferta web design, webdesign, pagini web, situri, design site web, logo design, creare bannere, sigla firma, site flash |
web, design, web design, web design Romania, webdesign, webdesign Romania, webdesign Craiova, situri, pagini, webdesign, oferta design site, creare site, site flash, creare bannere, logo design, sigla firma, promovare site, promovare situri, ...
